

Hiya lil chicas,

Today I am going to be talking about results. Currently I am doing the Kayla Bikini Body Guide plan and following the Blogilates eating plan and admittedly there have been times where I haven’t made it to the gym or not eaten as healthily as I should but hey I am only human!
Anyway I have stuck to it and I am not seeing the results I want to maybe thats because I am looking at other peoples transformation on Kaylas instagram or I am not trying hard enough and it kinda got me down like eat cake hide from the world down…not good!

But I am going to stick to it and I know the results will come in time. One way I motivate myself is to remember no two people are the same so comparing to someone else’s results won’t work, you are your own person so rock what you’ve got!

How do you motivate yourself when you aren’t seeing the results that you want?

Anyway that was insanely cheesy/american I am away to cringe at myself!
The Newbie x



china town

Hello Everyone,

Hope you are all having a great week! Here is a recipe to whip up quickly and easily because its Wednesday and who really wants to slave over the cooker? Not me!

Chinese food is an all time favourite of mine I love going out and trying out loads of new and exciting dishes that I haven’t had before and since I used to be an incredibly fussy eater trying new foods puts me out my comfort zone which everyone should do now and then. So this is my take on a kinda Chinesey dish that is so flavoursome!


– 1 clove of garlic chopped finely
– 1 spring onion sliced in to small rounds
– 1 chilli sliced finely (adjust to your tasty I like spice!)
– 1 chicken breast
– 1 pack of soba noodles
– Handful of bean sprouts
– Couple handfuls of spinach and any other veg you have in your fridge that needs used up


– Add sliced chicken, garlic, chilli, bean sprouts and spring onion to frying pan cook with 1 tbsp of oil
– Cook until chicken is golden brown
– Add your noodles, spinach and any other veg and cook for a further 3 minutes
– And you are done! Squeeze some lemon over the top for some extra bite if you wish

There you go short and sweet! I promise after this weekend I will spend more time developing recipes for you what do you want to see most? Comment and I will see what I can come up with.

The Newbie x

Party timeeeee!


Morning everyone!

I really need to start blogging at the weekend but sometimes I am just having too much fun and my laptop is slightly worn which makes everything slow which doesn’t help someone with very little patience towards technology…any suggestions how to make a laptop faster?  Anyway back to what I did on my weekend..

On Friday I ventured out with all my friends for a night on the town because its my birthday on friday woooo! so me and my best friend did a joint night it was fun I haven’t partied in a long time WORKING SUCKS! It was great to go out and let my hair down surrounded by people who I love. We booked VIP at Shanghai in Edinburgh which was really cool we had our own area which made the night that little bit more special, I would defiantly recommend it and go back.

Saturday was spent doing not very much with my boyfriend but napping and eating which is what was needed! On Sunday I headed back home to visit my family its always nice to get a little break from the city and visit home.

How was your weekend lovelies?

Excuse the pouting but I always seem to think its a good idea…..

The Newbie x

My passion for running


Hello lovelies!

I realise I haven’t done a fitness post in a while so I thought today I would talk about running and why I have grown to love it over time! I admit when I first started to do long distance running I thought “WHO IN THEIR RIGHT MIND WOULD DO THIS?!” and I did dread going out on runs but I began over time to realise that it wasn’t all that bad!

I haven’t always lived in the city and going on country runs is much more picturesque but Edinburgh can be just as beautiful at time especially Arthurs Seat -there is something special about reaching the top and seeing the view its something that will never grow old.

I admit I am not the fasted runner in the world and after taking a long break away from it I am back and I defiantly have the running bug again I can’t wait for my next outdoor adventure

Some reasons I love running and the benefits –
1. IT’S FREE – You don’t need a gym membership to do it and who can really stand running on a treadmill…not me
2. It keeps you fit – Running and other forms of cardiovascular exercise are a great way to increase your fitness because they raise your heart rate, giving your heart muscle an effective workout and improving your circulation.
3.  It is good for your mind – I love running as for me it’s breathing space away from technology and I can focus completely on me and nothing else which brings happiness and restores peace in my life (hippy moment much!)
4. Strong Bones – Running prevent osteoporosis because if you run on a regular basis you are continually using your muscles and bones so the bones are stimulated to remain stronger and don’t weaken so easily with age. So say buh-bye to osteoporosis.
5. Weight Loss – It is great for burning fat and is an easy way to get some cardio in your day!

So let me know if any of you newbies are running fanatics or new to it and what you think the benefits are for YOU?  And the photo is from when I went running in Italy at Sunrise it is probably my favourite place in the world!

The Newbie x


The Best Ever MAC & CHEESE!

It may be hard to believe but HEALTHY mac & cheese does exist and oh boy it kicks regular mac & cheese’s ASS! It’s so simple and delicious and I am slightly obsessed with it right now.


– 1/2 Butternut Squash
– 50g Light Cheddar Cheese
– Whole Grain Pasta (enough for 2 people)
– 1 Onion
– 1 vegetable or meat stock cube (I used veg)
– Boiled Water
– 1 tbsp of butter


– Cut the butternut squash in half, remove the skin (I used a peeler to do this) then cut in to small cubes and set aside in a pot.
– Cut the onion in half and dice into small rounds
– In a frying pan heat the butter and add the onions, sauté on a low heat for 20 minutes until soft, golden and fragrant.
– While the onions are sautéing, boil water and cook pasta according to directions on packet.
– Once the onions and pasta are done remove from the hob and set aside.
– Add boiling water and stock cube to the pot with the butternut squash and cook until tender/can be cut with a fork (usually 5-7 minutes)
– When the butternut squash is done drain most of the stock away but keep about a cups worth. Add the onions to the butternut squash and blend until smooth adding stock water as you go to get the consistency you want.
– Add pasta and cheese then the butternut squash mix and heat to melt the cheese.

And you are done! This recipe should take about 30 minutes to make if you can juggle three pans on the hob at once!
It is just right for the chilly winter nights that are coming in – creamy, cheesy and that belly warming feeling you need

The Newbie x

I promise I will make it again at the weekend and take photos for you all I didn’t think it was going to turn out as well as it did! Keep up to date with what I am doing on Instagram right here!


My Weekend


Hey lil chickas!

Sorry things went quiet last week, things got so busy with work and my social life but I am back!

This weekend I caught up with some old friends, met some new ones and pushed my fear of heights but recovered with some retail therapy in the form of H&M aka where I spend most of my time.

If you follow me on Instagram you will see that this weekend I ventured up to the top of the Scot’s Monument in Edinburgh all 287 steps which is over 200 ft and from the top the view is beautiful but looking down was not a good idea! I also visited a secret bar in Edinburgh that is called Panda and Sons which was so cool think prohibition and your there!

Do you all have a good weekend? I will be posting some foody recipes that are delicious for this chilly weather and some workout posts this week which is exciting.

Hope the Monday blues haven’t hit you too bad
The Newbie x

p.s the cupcakes are from Bibi’s DELICIOUS!

Something a little different…


Hey everyone,

The other day I read a piece on how certain fitness instructors were promoting an unhealthy body image and body dysmorphia…this is something that I disagree with.
Everyone has a different body type and I know I am never going to look like her – I am built like a swimmer, and thats what people need to realise no two people in the world can ever have identical bodies it is as simple as that!

And on the case of body body dysmorphia it is every where you can’t hide from it. It’s in magazines, on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest you name it you will find some form of athletic girl that has a crazy good tan and unreal body or the more extreme of pro ana sites which are a scary dark place.

But in the light of anorexia, if someone did come across these healthy athletic bodies and thought that they wanted to be like that, I would see that as a positive change. To be and look like that you have to eat right, exercise enough and love your body which is something anorexia takes from you.

And if someone is overweight and looks at these image and decides they want to lose weight. They know if they want to have a great body that suits them they will have to eat right, be active and everything else.

I am not a health and fitness expert but thats how I look at these images I look at them as a form of motivation to make me the best version of me NOT to copy and be someone else it would be boring if we were all the same!

So I challenge you to be the best version of you not the version of some girl on Instagram. Be proud of you are and OWN IT!

The Newbie x



Heyyyyy Duckies,
I tried to write on my blog yesterday but I just couldn’t get in to it so I am now brining you a mash-up of Thursday and Friday!

I am writing this currently still feeling the burn from my first work out from my Kayla Itsines Guide. It was crazy intense and way harder than I expected but then again I have been away from the gym for a few weeks so I guess the pain is punishment for being lazy!

Legs and Bum was my first work out and oh boy I can seriously feel it and today is arms and abs I didn’t work out yesterday as my boyfriend was ill so we spent the night tucked up watching telly which was rather lovely!

As you know I have been following the Blogilates New Body Meal plan and my favourite recipe was by far the meatballs I served it with spaghetti and some Bolognese sauce DELICIOUS!!!

Here is a little dessert recipe for you all to try…..

Banana & Peanut Butter Nice Cream


– 2 Banana’s
– Couple tablespoons of natural peanut butter


1. Cut over ripe banana in to coins and freeze for an hour
2. Take out the freezer and blend add your peanut butter, if it’s still thick you can add almond milk or some greek yoghurt.
3. Place back in the freezer for a little bit
4. Take out and enjoy your delicious treat!

Let me know what you think!

The Newbie x

p.s I know the photo doesn’t really relate but Autumn is my favourite season and it’s full of such pretty colours!