Sorry about the silence!


Hi Everyone,

Sorry about the silence over the past 20 days things have gotten a little bit crazy with work and my social life but I am going to make a promise to blog AT LEAST once a week since that is manageable.

Starting September I am going to take on the 90 day challenge which is all about exercising 5 to 6 days a week, eating healthily and changing your life for the better. I feel like I need a kick up the back side to get on to the healthy band wagon and I think this might be it!

I am going to blog what I ate, my workout routines and my progress…but until the first of September I shall just be preparing myself for it as I know this wont be easy.

If you feel like doing it with me follow my blog and there will be daily updates…or weekly!

The Newbie x

My Bootea experiance

Before I deiced to embark on this change in my life I completed a two week Bootea detox and I LOVED it! I cut all the rubbish out, stuck to the meal plan they give you with some adjustments as not all the meals were to my taste and continued with my normal exercise routine.

The first couple of days were seriously difficult being a chocolate and coffee lover but I managed to stick to it having dark chocolate instead – twice as delicious with health benefits too? dream come true!


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Throughout the course of the two weeks my energy levels soared, I slept better and looked fresher, although I didn’t loose a lot of weight it has helped transitioning into the new healthy regime easier…now instead of Bootea morning and night I have green tea with lemon and honey in the morning and a berry one at night.

I would defiantly do it again and highly recommend it as it gave me the kick up the backside I was needing!

The Newbie x

The dreaded first post…


Well I have to start from somewhere and I always suck at first posts but here goes nothing….

You may be wondering what exactly my blog is about well I am starting it as I am going to embark on clean eating, a new fitness regime and I wanted to share my story about my past with eating difficulties and how I overcame it.

The big dream is to one day run a charity based around helping people with eating disorders as I don’t believe there is enough out there to help people who are trying to get better. If you want to read more head to my story and the whole thing will be there.

My blog shall consist of easy recipes, the fitness I follow and all things girly like nail posh, cupcakes, pretty flowers and of course shoes – my one downfall in life!

Anyway I shall leave it at that…bad wasn’t it ?!

The Newbie x