Hey Cupcakes!

It is time to let the cat out of the bag and announce I have a new blog over at so I will no longer be posting from this account, to make sure you still get my posts make sure to follow my new blog yaaay 🙂

Hope you continue to follow me on my journey!

The Newbie x

Tips on dealing with stress!

stress,tips on stress, flowers, spring, pretty, pink


Sorry I have been slightly AWOL at the moment things have been really busy and I haven’t been able to get everything I wanted done! I don’t think this post could of came at a better time so today I am going to talk to you about the importance of accepting you are stressed and what you can do to help control it.

At the moment I have a crazy workload…essays to write for uni, a full time job, a blog to run and a social life to maintain! It is hard to juggle all these things and not feel the pressure especially since I want to do my best in all of them!
Here are some of my tips for dealing with stress:

1. Plan your time – This is crucial you need to plan your time, divide the jobs you have in a list of ‘most urgent’ to ‘can wait’ and look at your diary and make adjustments to suit you but don’t forget to leave downtime for yourself or you will end up ill from burning yourself out not good!

2. Have ‘me’ time – It is important to take time out of your day and do something you love and enjoy to relax – it will make you feel so much better! For me I like to workout and cook these things force you to stop focusing on everything else and just concentrate on the task in hand

3. Set deadlines – If you have lots of little tasks set a deadline for each and make sure that it is complete by that point, it will allow you to move on from it and come back to correct any errors with a fresh pair of eyes.

4. Go outside!! – I would say this is the most important one of all, don’t spend your life cooped up in your room or office slogging away if it is sunny take your work outside or to a cafe. These simple things can boost your motivation and since its sunny you will feel happier which will reduce your stress.

Well there you have it a short and sweet post on my top tips on dealing with stress. Comment below with your tips!

The Newbie x

Coast Blogger Event


Hey Chickas,

On Monday I mentioned I had been to a blogger event and if you follow me on Twitter or Instagram you will have seen some photos.
I arrived at the event for 7pm and was greeted with a goodie bag which had a lovely Arran Aromatics candle in it and some other little goodies.
The theme was Secret Garden and the store was decorated beautifully with flowers and vines everywhere. There was a table laid out with lots of pretty cakes and prosecco to help wash them down! Your glass was never empty as the staff were constantly filling it up.
a little snapshot of the event and my outfit!
We were treated to a mini fashion show that featured some amazing outfits I will link to the ones I loved the most – sadly my photos of the fashion show didn’t turn out as hoped, still getting used to my new camera!
I also met some lovely new bloggers who were also newbies at the event game so it was nice to have a group of people who understood how nerve wracking it can be walking in to a room full of people you don’t know. If you ever go to a blogger event or any event, always have the confidence to walk up and talk to people even if they are in their own little groups it is the only way that people will get to know you.
It was really nice to meet some new bloggers and get to know them and their lil’ business. I am already looking forward to the next event!
The Newbie x